Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Regrets-I've Had A Few

      Regrets are sort of like ice cream sandwiches;  they stay with you only as long as you let them!   Regret just kind of hangs around your stomach, like that thin clingy shirt you hate to wear, but it's the only one clean!
     It's only human nature for us to dwell on what we have done wrong in the past.  Co-workers, friends, family, don't let us forget what we have done wrong in the past!  Believe me, I know what it feels like to live with regret, you know, a few things I did "my way"?   They didn't turn out for the best.  It's only because I wanted to do what I wanted to do at the time.  I was alittle young and selfish. 
     As I've grown older, alittle more mature, and more importantly, become closer to God and His Word, I know to listen to Him.  God has our best interest at heart.  He knows what He's doing!  God loves us DESPITE our PAST!  He doesn't care what we have done.  God loves us unconditionally.  We therefore, should love our brothers and sisters in Christ, unconditionally.  To God, when we accept Him as Lord and Savior, and are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, you receive the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38)                 
      There is no time in anyone's life to spend minutes, hours, days, nights, weeks, months, or even years regreting anything you may have done to yourself or anyone else.  Take the time to confess your sins to the Almighty God, who loves you no matter what you have done. I repeat that to you.  No matter what you have done. (Psalm 51:1-2)" Have mercy on me, O God, because of your unfailing love.  Because of your great compassion, blot out the stain of my sins.  Wash me clean from my guilt.  Purify me from my sins. "  
       God loves you.  Change your life around to something beautiful and new.  I started my life around again, thirty three years ago.  It was the best thing I ever did.  Don't live your life with regrets.  You can't look back and live in the past, because the past isn't there!  There is only the future.  You have to determine what your future is going to be.  Only you can. 

Peace  &  Pass it on........................................

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